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Talaat Mostafa Group

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Talaat Mostafa Group

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Questions d'entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group

Mis à jour le 26 mars 2024

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Entretiens chez Talaat Mostafa Group

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Candidature en ligne27%

Entretiens pour les meilleurs postes chez Talaat Mostafa Group

Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Le Caire,

Offre refusée
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via la recommandation d'un employé. Le processus a pris 5 jours. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, )


I appreciated the thorough and professional interview experience for the Senior Electrical Engineer position. However, I found the offered salary package disappointing, not aligning with industry standards. I remain interested in the opportunity and am open to discussing potential adjustments to the compensation package.

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Talaat Mostafa Group

Employé anonyme, Le Caire,

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, )


Discussed the structural systems for bridges Steel bridges composite and non composite Concrete bridges and culvert design Retaining walls stability Moving load analysis Design of steel moment connections and shear connections Design of shallow foundations

Questions d'entretien
  • Fatigue analysis Vibration limits for bridges
    1 réponse
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Le Caire,

Aucune offre
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, )


It was a great process, filled with new experience and give me an opportunity to look forward on becoming a better me, with the help of the many questions that the manager asked about myself and have professional I was

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Employé anonyme, Dokki

Offre acceptée
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Dokki)


It was a long process of interviews but it was worth it in the end. Two HR interviews Two marketing interviews One final interview with top management It was a new process to me and a new experience

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Dokki

Aucune offre
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via la recommandation d'un employé. Le processus a pris plus d'une semaine. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Dokki) en févr. 2023


it was easy they asked me to introduce my self and some basic question about my life and hobbies they also asked me about expected salary and what am i seeking to learn from this job

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Le Caire,

Aucune offre
Expérience négative
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou universitaire. Le processus a pris plus d'une semaine. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, ) en janv. 2023


a multiple-stage process for hiring new employees. The stages mainly comprise job interviews held either one-on-one, with a group of candidates, or with a panel. Interviews are conducted in person, over the phone or by email, or via video conferencing tools.

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

Aucune offre
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group


the interview was good and well organized . the employees there were nice and helpful but much time was wasted to get in the topic but I think I was satisfied

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

Aucune offre
Expérience négative
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group


They have no system especially in the taking an appointment procedure, I was rescheduled a number of times and I was promised a feedback which I did not receive, they were not modest at all

Questions d'entretien
1 personne a trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile

Talaat Mostafa Group

Employé anonyme, Le Caire,

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, ) en janv. 2020


interviewee was very Friendly But he will put u under pressure and he asked in what you have to increase our company in the other hand he asked about programming in generally

Questions d'entretien
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Talaat Mostafa Group

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Le Caire,

Offre refusée
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via un recruteur. Le processus a pris 2 semaines. J'ai passé un entretien chez Talaat Mostafa Group (Le Caire, )


The HR was very professional and helpful but they interviewed too many people and the place wasn't ready for that. Anyway they offered a relatively low salary claiming that it's the policy of the company.

Questions d'entretien
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Photo Talaat Mostafa Group de : cafe tory somail.and
Photo Talaat Mostafa Group de : cafe tory somail.and

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