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Questions posées lors d’un entretien d’embauche pour Community HealthCorps chez AmeriCorps

Mis à jour le 16 déc. 2015

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Résultat : 2 entretiens sur plus de 232

Entretiens chez AmeriCorps

2,5/5 (niveau de difficulté)

Expérience d'entretien

100 %Positive
Négative0 %

Comment d’autres ont décroché un entretien

100 %
Candidature en ligne
Candidature en ligne

Entretiens pour les meilleurs postes chez AmeriCorps


Employé anonyme, Los Angeles, CA

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 2 mois. J'ai passé un entretien chez AmeriCorps (Los Angeles, CA)


The whole process was very slow, it took about two months. Started with a phone interview then interview with program coordinator and site coordinator. Be ready to answer why you are passionate about the community and why you want to serve. If your heart is in it you will do great they will see what you are passionate about serving.

Questions d'entretien
  • How do you work with others?
    1 réponse
  • How do you see this position helping with your future plans?
2 personnes ont trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile


Employé anonyme

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez AmeriCorps


very extensive, multi-leveled approach, allowed for ranking in preferences from both host site and applicant. rewarding - interview process was very personal. First, was a phone screening process, interview asked general work environment questions (weaknesses, strengths, challenges, etc). Then came the in-person interviews. Applicants' resumes were submitted to multiple host sites, and site supervisors were able to select their most interested applicants. Ultimately, upon completion of interviews, both supervisors and applicants were asked to rank their interviews in order of interest and the program coordinator would assign based on outcomes.

Questions d'entretien
  • What are some challenges you've encountered when working in a group setting?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses in completing a long term project?
Soyez le premier à trouver ce retour d'entretien utile

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Photos chez AmeriCorps

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Photo AmeriCorps de : Fire Team 10 Mural The Funky Bunch Commandos  (Photo thanks to Flickr user sundaykofax, available under by v2.0)
Photo AmeriCorps de : service site
Photo AmeriCorps de : We lived here for 3 months.
Photo AmeriCorps de : Hope for the Homeless program
Photo AmeriCorps de : Telling people how they can help prevent water pollution and improve water quality by making small changes in their yards.
Photo AmeriCorps de : Participating in the ActuallySheCan #LessThan campaign via AmeriCorps
Photo AmeriCorps de : Great View
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